1. The Agreement

These terms and conditions constitute the agreement between 'Adventure Moto Mongolia' LLC ("The Company") and the client specified on the booking form. To confirm a booking, the Company requires a fully completed and signed booking form along with a deposit of EURO 1000 (other major currencies are also accepted). Please note that the tour BOOKING DEPOSIT IS NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-TRANSFERABLE. By registering for one of our trips, the client acknowledges acceptance of our general conditions. By making a booking, the client acknowledges and understands the potential risks associated with adventure travel.

2. Client Cancellation

i) If the client cancels 30 - 60 days before departure, the company will retain 50% of the deposit.
ii) If the client cancels less than 30 days before departure, the full deposit amount will be retained by the Company.
iii) Cancellation must be COMMUNICATED IN WRITING and will only be effective upon receipt by the Company.

3. Company Cancellation

For our scheduled group tours, a minimum of five clients is required. Each tour will undergo a review one month prior to departure, and in the event of cancellation due to insufficient numbers, a complete refund will be provided.

4. Client Responsibilities

i) Clients must ensure that their passport remains valid for the entire duration of their travel.
ii) Clients are responsible for obtaining necessary visas and vaccinations.
iii) Clients are accountable for covering all bank charges, including those from their own bank and any intermediary bank during payment transfers. The Company retains the right to seek reimbursement from the client for any deficit.
iv) Clients must adhere to the regulations and procedures of the police, customs, and health authorities in the country at the time of travel. Clients are accountable for any incurred costs resulting from failure to comply with the country's laws, inability to present the required documents, or delays caused by their own actions.
v) Each client must acknowledge the authority of the tour leader.
vi) The tour leader cannot be held accountable for incidents or accidents resulting from imprudent personal actions.
vii) If the health or behaviour of any client is deemed by the tour leader to potentially endanger the group before or during the tour, the client may be excluded from the tour. The client will bear the resulting expenses, and no refund will be provided.

5. Travel Insurance

i) Comprehensive travel insurance covering cancellation, illness, and repatriation, including emergency helicopter rescue, is mandatory.
ii) In the event that the client necessitates emergency evacuation within Mongolia or to destinations outside Mongolia, any resulting costs are not the responsibility of the Company.
iii) Clients must ensure that their insurance policy does not contain exclusion clauses limiting coverage for the activities included in their tour (e.g., horse riding, mountain biking).
iv) When participating in motorcycle tours, it is essential that the insurance includes coverage for motorbike use, as it is considered an extreme sport by certain companies. Clients should verify that there are no exclusion clauses restricting coverage for riding a motorcycle with an engine size of 900 cc.
v) The Company does not accept responsibility for the client's luggage and personal belongings.
vi) The tour leader shall not be held accountable for any incidents or accidents resulting from imprudent personal decisions.
vii) The Company requires a copy of each client's insurance policy before departure, including a 24-hour emergency telephone number with direct access to a human operator authorized to approve emergency helicopter rescue.

6. Currency Exchange Rates

In the event of significant negative currency rate fluctuations, we will cover an amount equivalent to the first 2% of any necessary surcharges. Surcharges will not be imposed on the price of tour arrangements less than 30 days before departure.

7. Age Limits and Fitness

a) Clients must ensure their fitness and ability to complete the itinerary before booking. If uncertain, professional medical advice should be sought.
b) We accept children on the tours under the condition that the parent or guardian assumes full responsibility for them.
c) For motorcycle tours, individuals under 18 years of age are permitted only if they ride in the support vehicle, and their parent or guardian assumes complete responsibility for them.

8. Health and Disability

Individuals with any illness, disability, or undergoing treatment for a medical condition must disclose the nature of the condition at the time of booking. Such clients are responsible for arranging their own medications and necessary treatment during the tour. Failure to inform the Company of any such condition constitutes a breach of contract and may lead to the client's exclusion from the tour, with no refund provided.

9. Changes to the Itinerary

a) The Company reserves the right to modify any aspect of the tour if necessary or advisable. Clients will be notified of any changes before departure. If a significant change in the itinerary occurs, clients may cancel the booking within seven days of notification and receive a full refund.
b) In the event of unexpected circumstances affecting client safety (e.g., broken bridges, impassable roads, epidemics), the Company retains the right to alter dates, schedules, or routes as deemed appropriate. Clients are not entitled to claim compensation in such situations.
c) The Company is not liable for providing refunds if a situation arises during the tour necessitating an itinerary change (e.g., threat of war, riots, civil action, strikes, legal or political restrictions, force majeure, technical issues, decisions of air carriers, or other uncontrollable situations) unless negligence on the Company's part can be proven.
d) Once in Mongolia, no changes will be made to the itinerary except for health reasons or serious emergencies.
e) If, due to reasons beyond the Company's control, a client's return to Ulaanbaatar is delayed, resulting in a missed international departure, the client is responsible for the incurred costs. The Company will assist in obtaining necessary proof for insurance reimbursement if required.

10. Utilization of camping gear

i) Clients must return the equipment, belonging to the company, in the same state it was in at the beginning of the trip.
ii) Any defects in the equipment noticed at the start of the tour must be reported to the tour leader, or the client will be held responsible and required to pay appropriate compensation.
iii) Clients are responsible for using all equipment safely and responsibly. Smoking, candles, or petrol lamps inside the tents are not permitted. Cooking gear and accessories should not be left outdoors by the tents during the night.
iv) If the equipment is lost or stolen, the client must compensate the Company for the replacement value.

11. Motorcycle Rental Conditions

i) The motorbike equipment, including all accessories, is provided on hire and remains the property of Adventure Moto Mongolia LLC ("The Owner"). The motorcycles, accessories, and spare parts are authentic KTM and Husqvarna products imported from Austria.
ii) As the equipment is the property of the Owner, the client ("The Renter") must not sell, hire out, or part with the equipment and must not allow the allocated motorbike to be handled by any other person.
iii) The Renter must have a valid motorcycle-endorsed driver's license and must provide a copy when making the reservation.
iv) Upon arrival in Mongolia, the Renter will pay a security deposit of EURO 1000 (other major currencies accepted) to the Tour Leader to cover any potential damage to the motorbike. This deposit is FULLY REFUNDABLE and will be returned in full at the end of the tour if the bike is returned without damage. Minor scratches or normal wear and tear, including wear to tires, chain and sprocket, brakes, clutch, and bearings, will not result in deductions from the deposit. In the event of any accidental damage to the motorcycle, an evaluation will be conducted, and an estimate of the repair expenses will be furnished. Genuine KTM & Husqvarna spare parts will be charged at retail rate excluding VAT, plus the cost of shipping by DHL if immediate delivery is required.
v) The Renter must not make any alterations to the motorcycle, except for adjusting the foot brake lever or raising the handlebars. The original factory settings must remain unaltered.
vi) The Renter must not misuse the equipment and must return it with all accessories in the same condition as received.
vii) Should the Renter venture off the main track without explicit permission from the Tour Leader, they are accountable for any damage to the motorbike, including tire punctures, that may occur during that time.
viii) Any damage to the equipment during the rental period will result in charges to the Renter by the Owner.
ix) Upon arriving at the camp in the evening, the Renter must promptly inform the Tour Leader of any necessary motorbike repairs or adjustments.
x) If a mechanical breakdown occurs beyond the control of either party, the Owner will exert every effort to ensure the Renter can proceed with the tour.
xi) The Renter is liable to compensate the Owner for any costs, claims, expenses, or demands arising directly or indirectly from the equipment's use during the rental period. The Owner retains the right to charge the Renter for either partial or full settlement of such claims.
xii) When in use, the Renter must ensure the equipment is adequately secured. The Owner assumes responsibility for the motorbike's security at the end of the riding day. If the equipment is stolen due to the Renter's negligence, the Owner reserves the right to request compensation for the replacement value of the equipment, including shipping from the EU to Mongolia.
xiii) Under no circumstances should the Renter use the equipment while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

12. Additional Guidelines

a) "Adventure Moto Mongolia" aims to provide a positive experience for all participants during off-road motorcycle trips. As the tour is not a competition or race, reckless riding will not be accepted. All individuals are expected to respect Mongolia's culture, nature, and people.
b) Our responsibility is to traverse Mongolia without harming its pristine environment or disrupting the lives of the local population and their animals. At times, we will ride through protected areas where flora is safeguarded by law. Abrupt braking or spinning wheels will be disapproved by locals and could harm the Company's reputation. Upon reaching the camp, the riding day concludes. Please refrain from requesting the use of bikes to explore the surrounding area.
c) The majority of the roads we travel on are unpaved, but clear trails are easily identifiable. Deviating from these trails poses risks to the environment and the motorcycles. Areas inhabited or previously inhabited by nomadic families may be surrounded by debris such as metal or bones, which can easily damage tires. Moreover, venturing off the trail to an area inaccessible by the support vehicle could make it challenging to rescue you in the event of an accident.
d) It is essential for all riders to adhere to the guidance provided by the TOUR LEADER. Mongolian roads often resemble a maze, with numerous splits and re-joins, making it impractical to pre-describe every trail and road split. At river crossings, all individuals must halt and regroup with the support vehicles. If the water is considered excessively deep, the bikes will be loaded onto trailers for transport, or an alternate route will be sought. Under no circumstances should anyone attempt a river crossing alone.
e) Due to weather conditions and other variables, trails can change from year to year. Bridges may collapse, rivers may flood, and roads may become impassable. Please refrain from continuously questioning the Tour Leader and drivers about the trail. We will make every effort to adhere to the planned itinerary.
f) The Company will supply petrol for the motorbikes, included in the tour price. It is your responsibility to notify the Tour Leader if your tank needs refilling. Simultaneous refilling of all motorbikes on the trail will cause delays.
g) In Mongolia, there is a strict zero-tolerance policy regarding alcohol. It is imperative that excessive drinking is avoided the evening prior to the tour commencement. Authorities in Ulaanbaatar are especially watchful, and if a driver registers a positive alcohol reading, they may confiscate the motorbike.
h) Until the end of the tour, the bike assigned to you is under your care. It is STRICTLY PROHIBITED to permit local individuals to sit on or ride it.
i) Mongolia provides an excellent setting for off-road riding, and our tours present a fantastic chance to experience the lifestyle of the nomadic people of Central Asia. To guarantee the seamless operation of our motorcycle tours, all participants are required to adhere to these guidelines and comply with our Terms & Conditions.

13. Jurisdiction

Any disagreement between the Client and the Company will be resolved according to Mongolian jurisdiction.

(c) 2024 - All rights reserved.